Project Name: Consulting Services for Monitoring and Evaluation of Sindh Water Sector Improvement Phase-I Project (WSIP)
Finance Source: World Bank
Partners: NESPAK (Pakistan), ACE (Pakistan)
Tags: Pakistan, World Bank, Irrigation, Canal, Survey, Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, M&E
Objectives: The WSIP seeks to increase agricultural production, employment and incomes through improved management of water resources in selected canal commands of Sindh. It would: (i) undertake community development and capacity building of SIDA, AWBs and FOs (ii) improve main and branch canals, distributaries / minors and drainage system in FOs areas (iii) conduct feasibility studies and prepare designs for barrages (iv) prepare Master plan for the left Bank of Indus, Delta and Coastal zone, (v) formulate flood Management plan of Indus River (in Sindh) and (vi) put together a coastal and Indus Delta Program
Project Area: The Sindh Water Sector Improvement Project is being implemented in the Area Water Boards (AWBs) of Nara Canal, Ghotki Feeder, Left Bank Canals (Akram Wah and Fuleli), which are already functioning. These three AWBs have Gross Command Area (GCA) of 5.2 Mac (2.1 Mha) and Culturable Command Area (CCA) of 4.54 Mac (1.8 Mha); which is about 35% of the total CCA in Sindh.
M&E Component: The M&E activities aim to provide continuous feedback to the GoSindh, PSC and implementing agencies on the project’s performance and impact of its various components, so that corrective actions could be undertaken in a timely manner. We supervise implementation of the overall EMP, careful review and monitoring of subproject specific social and environmental management plans and supervision of their implementation. The M&E activities cover: (i) the impact of the I&D improvements on water use efficiency at various levels of the system, reliability and equity in water distribution, irrigation water supply at various levels of the system and drainage flows, ground water levels and quality, and soil salinity; on-farm water use; cropping patterns and yields; and livestock population, health and production; (ii) performance of the FOs and their activities in O&M of the system, service delivery and collection of abiana and availability of budget for management of the system; (iii) environmental impact of construction activities in the project area in particular on any wetlands, ecologically import sites, population and livestock; (iv) any acquisition of public and private land and assets, agreements reach and arrangement made for acquisition of assets on a voluntary basis; (v) made and socio-economic impact and the impact on the level of unemployment and household incomes in the project area; estimation of the project’s overall benefits and economic rate of returns etc.
Temelsu allocates 2 specialists who work on most of the M&E aspects of this project, particularly social and agricultural areas. Temelsu has the main role as providing the “international” input and expertise to the subject consultancy services. The specialists from Temelsu are playing a key role within the contract, and are providing guidance to the rest of the M&E team.